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Tell me about going screen free...

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Is it possible to do this and have four kids in only 1100 square feet and still get a small amount of something done? How about all of that and not lose your mind?


My kids are great and have awesome imaginations. The TV is on less than 90 minutes here...typically when I'm doing math with my oldest or I'm putting the baby down. My 2yo is into everything and everyone's business and my 4yo doesn't seem capable of self-entertaining indoors.


I'd love to be able to only allow TV for an hour in the afternoon or evening, but I'm at a loss at how to keep my middle two away while I'm putting the baby down (which takes all of 5 minutes).


I also can't teach and have the two-year-old velcroed to me (she's not a watcher so she gets in the way) and the baby with me. If the 2yo isn't with me, it can mean a big mess. She is a resourceful little bugger! And I can't have her doing activity bags or whatever because my oldest wants to do it too (which we do let them all do plenty.)



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Ideally in your situation I would use an ipad to occupy the little one while the others are doing school. You could download only phonics & educational type games so it wouldn't be a waste of screen time. I have a friend who just bought one for this purpose.


If an ipad isn't an option then I would check out some blogs with ideas for folder games and other activities for keeping the toddler busy. The older kids would just have to understand that there are times when they have to do schoolwork even if their younger siblings are getting to play.

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Is it possible to do this and have four kids in only 1100 square feet and still get a small amount of something done? How about all of that and not lose your mind?


My kids are great and have awesome imaginations. The TV is on less than 90 minutes here...typically when I'm doing math with my oldest or I'm putting the baby down. My 2yo is into everything and everyone's business and my 4yo doesn't seem capable of self-entertaining indoors.


I'd love to be able to only allow TV for an hour in the afternoon or evening, but I'm at a loss at how to keep my middle two away while I'm putting the baby down (which takes all of 5 minutes).


I also can't teach and have the two-year-old velcroed to me (she's not a watcher so she gets in the way) and the baby with me. If the 2yo isn't with me, it can mean a big mess. She is a resourceful little bugger! And I can't have her doing activity bags or whatever because my oldest wants to do it too (which we do let them all do plenty.)



We got rid of our TV and it was the best decision ever. However, they still have screen time with the laptop. When I need to get something done, I put them in their room (Digby in his crib so he can't touch/break the computer) and let them watch a movie or Blue's Clues or Wonderpets on Netflix. Now they can only watch when I say they can, because the laptop is password protected instead of turning the TV on whenever they want. Plus there aren't any commercials so no asking for everything they see.

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