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Kind of a big weekend for us...

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So, this weekend we made two huge decisions.



1. My husband got a vasectomy. TMI, maybe, but it was a big deal for us. We've got four lovely children and have definitely agreed that we are finished. All the same, it is entirely weird to think that my childbearing years are over. I'm glad to move on to this new phase of non-pregnant, non-nursing life (well, when I'm done nursing - LOL), though.


2. We are putting the big kids in Public School.



YIKES!! :blink:



I've been mulling this over for awhile now, and as much as I love LOVE homeschooling, I miss just being Mom and not Mom/Teacher. I don't think I realized how tired and stressed out I was until DH and I made the final call. I realized that I was Mom and Wife and Homekeeper and Teacher and I wasn't doing ANY of those jobs near as well as I want to be doing them. At any given point, I felt I was shafting some one or some thing. I know that PS isn't a cure all, and in most cases is just trading one set of problems for another, but I'm happy with my decision. I'm glad to be taking off one of the hats. :001_smile:



Is it okay if I still hang out here, though?? I like you all so much! :tongue_smilie:

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There should definitely be cards for a husband's vasectomy and putting kids in school.


:grouphug: You'd be missed if you left, Kristen!


Also, don't burn any bridges or sell any curriculum yet. I put my dc in private school when I was in the identical phase you're in (new fourth baby, sloppy house, marriage OK but totally ignored, stick a fork in me I'm done)...only to bring them back home in less than a month.


Homeschoolers do stuff like that.


Even if ps turns out to be a dream and you leave them in, you are still interested in a good education for your children, right? SWB has always said this isn't a board just for homeschoolers, but for everybody who gives a hoot. You're still a hoot-giver.

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