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Apologia Young Explorers opinions/ Something else???


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I have been searching for a curriculum for science that I can follow without pulling my hair out. My kids love experiments and kits. I am trying to limit my curriculum to something that doesn't require several trips to the library to be complete or something that takes a while to plan. I can possibly go once a week to the library or ideally once every two weeks.(I started babysitting a newborn and want to limit outings) I have looked at Noeo and Delta Education kits and they both look good but I am curious about Apologia since it is one book and a kit available with all needed supplies. There have been a lot of threads lately on how "homeschool science is not rigorous enough" which has me questioning every curriculum I look at. I have read about the BFSU book and how people love it.. but as I said before...I really don't have time to pull it all together with library books and planning.(I think I will start another thread asking about BFSU and how to pull it together just to see..You never know until you ask)


How does Apologia stand up against all of the other science choices? How good are the experiments? My oldest dd would get the most out of it(8 yrs old) but my 4 year old will likely join in for the ride.(atleast when we do experiments)

Edited by mystika1
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I don't know how is stacks up in comparison to others but I will say my kids love them. For science we mostly do unit type studies using evan moor and similar books as our spine and adding in coorelating reading. BUt we also have several of the apologia science texts and enjoy them. I like that they are so conversational, and that the kits that go with them have everything you need to do each experiment. The kids love the flow of it, the bright pictures and the experiments themselves. The only thing that I don't like about apologia right now is that there is no elementary physical science, earth science or chemistry texts (other than the astronomy one). For the last 1.5 years we have had a focus on earth sciences, so geology, water cycle, weather, fossils etc. There is no apologia books to teach that stuff, We will be starting physical science soon and doing simple machines, magnetism, electricity, sound, light, force, etc. There is currently no elementary level of that stuff either. I did hear there is a physics & chem book being developed but I heard that a long time ago and have not heard if it is still being developed or what.


The books in that series that excite us most astronomy, anatomy and zoology 2 (swimming creatures). The kids have not seen zoo 1 or zoo 3 yet (flying creatures and land creatures), or botany but I am sure they would like them if they saw them, we just have other topics to cover first.


If you want to stick to the WTM science rotation than apologia will not cover all areas for you. If you want a science book that is more like a story book as it teaches and don't mind a heavy focus on zoology than it is a great program.

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We just started with Apologia Zoo1 (Flying Creatures) this year.

Here's what I posted to another thread about what we like/dislike about our current science:


Pros: Doesn't talk down to kids and entrusts them with very real, very detailed information. Notebooking journal is a very helpful adjunct, and a beautiful way to keep track of what we're learning. Spiritual references keep our focus on the Creator behind the wonders of nature. Nice, solid, serious-looking book that wasn't overly expensive.


Cons: The vocabulary is sometimes hard; sometimes it's too detailed and fact-filled, and less than fascinating. The YE Creationist aspect is a little surreal sometimes; I can't in good conscience teach them that dragons were dinosaurs or that mainstream science believes dinos and humans co-existed. The notebooking journal doesn't give enough space for the material covered in the related sections of the text.

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We are doing the Zoology 3 for our science this year. My kids just turned 10 and 12 and we all love it. This has been our best science year, thus far. We are using the Notebooking Journals with it and the kids enjoy those so much. They are kids that like to draw and color, so the journals are a big, big hit. I have been reading all of it outloud as we go and they are drawing/coloring whatever we are reading about. When I am done reading, then we re-cap and write about what we have just studied.

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Ok..I just re read this and Wow! That may be a problem for me too. Is this like a chapter that can be skipped?




I don't want to start a debate here, but the word "dinosaur" wasn't even in the English language until 1841-1842. So there must have been another word used for these creatures before this. Isn't is possible that word could have been "dragon"?


ETA: From dictionary.com:



1841, coined by Sir Richard Owen, from Gk. deinos "terrible" + sauros "lizard," of unknown origin.


A dinosaur was a terrible lizard? :001_smile:


Ok, I'm ducking out now, lol. :leaving:


ETA ETA: If you want "mainstream" science, I really don't think Apologia is what you're looking for, IMO.

Edited by jewel7123
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I don't want to start a debate here, but the word "dinosaur" wasn't even in the English language until 1841-1842. So there must have been another word used for these creatures before this. Isn't is possible that word could have been "dragon"?


ETA: From dictionary.com:



1841, coined by Sir Richard Owen, from Gk. deinos "terrible" + sauros "lizard," of unknown origin.


A dinosaur was a terrible lizard? :001_smile:


Ok, I'm ducking out now, lol. :leaving:


ETA ETA: If you want "mainstream" science, I really don't think Apologia is what you're looking for, IMO.


:001_smile:Your logic may have saved the day. I am religious but my husband sadly has different views. I try to find a middle ground in our curriculum and I am not sure he would like their teaching on dinosaurs.



This is a bit funny cause when I told my dd that I am looking for science curriculum she stated that she wanted something that covers dinosaurs in particular.:tongue_smilie:




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