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Funnix Math


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Anyone remember the Funnix Math download that happened last year? We downloaded it and we are liking the program pretty well. However, our hard drive crashed and I lost the math workbook pdfs. I emailed the company about getting a new set and they just advised me to buy their $10 bound workbook. :glare: I've been writing out each worksheet, but I'm kind of tired of that now. Anyone have the pdf that they could email me? Pretty please?



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My laptop is being repaired. I hoping they don't have to wipe out the hard drive. I don't think they will. If they don't I should have the pdfs and I can send them if you don't get any other responses. It should be back in a week or two. Hopefully someone will respond and you can get it sooner but when I get it back I'll check if you still need it.


How do you like the program? How far did you get into it? I also downloaded it during the free download too. I started it a few months later but dd wasn't enjoying it because she didn't have her numbers down. I think she will be ok with it now but I am not sure if it would be a good fit and what they cover.

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We like it alright. We are on lesson 38, I think. The lessons are a little long for my just-turning 5 year old DD. The pictures are cute and the lessons are pretty incremental. I wish they wouldn't say take away instead of minus and I would like the lessons to be shorter, but other than that it's pretty good.

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