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Writing Curriculum: Remind Me of Names

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I posted a similar but somewhat different request in Special Needs but decided to post here, too. Could you all remind me of names of prepared curriculum for writing at the upper middle school to high school level?


The student in question looks like a mature writer at the sentence level. He uses strong vocabulary & complex sentence structure. He understands the general flow of introduction, body, and conclusion for paragraphs and essays, but it takes him a long time to generate content & organize it. Initiation, planning, and organization are difficult for this student, so clear, concrete instruction is important. He needs to learn how to write the various kinds of essays, how to tailor the amount & kind of information to the audience, style, etc. He is in school currently but is unlikely to get the kind of instruction he needs; I am thinking about devising a summer program for him if I don't find a class of some kind for him to join that does what I need it to do.


At this point, I'm definitely looking for set curriculum with concrete instruction. Thanks!

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Don't worry about my student's profile. Please, oh please, just tell me the names of all the set writing programs you know for high school level. My brain has become mush after dealing with school personnel over the issue of my son's writing. :tongue_smilie: On the whole, this school program (which he started in the fall) has been a good thing for him, but I have been a homeschooler for too long & cannot relinquish complete control to them. Writing is the one biggest bugaboo that has me lying awake at night. :o

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For the circumstances you describe, Institute For Excellence in Writing's Student Writing Intensive. You could choose between Level B or C. The teaching videos are very engaging & the length of a course is about right.


Write Shop is another option, but I'm not sure it can be covered in a summer.

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I agree!!! IEW Student Writing Intensive would be perfect for a summer course - it comes with lesson plans for 14 weeks.


I think this is a great program for those who struggle with coming up with what to write, since the students start with a source text. They outline the text and write from the outline. This enables them to focus on the structure of the paper and stylistic techniques.


Hope this helps!

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Thank you, ladies, for your input. So much to consider! Of the ones listed, I know I'll cross Writing Strands off the list & probably MCT, though I used some MCT materials last school year & liked them.


Ds has had some exposure to IEW so the terminology and style will be familiar to him.


Classical Composition looks quite interesting. I've always been interested in the classical/progymnasmata approach but never felt whatever materials were mentioned 7-10 years ago were well designed enough for someone who was not already an expert in classical ed. to pick up and use so I gave up the idea. I would still feel lost, starting an older teenager & not knowing if it will accomplish in a fairly short time what I need a program to do.


I think I still have a copy of Jensen's Format Writing around if I didn't sell it- I'll have to look for it & see what I think.

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