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Opinions from PR users..


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I'm excelerating dd7.5 throug PR1, we're almost through and will be starting PR2 in a couple of weeks.

My dd6 is on wk 16 in PR1 going at regular pace.


What if... I waited for dd6 to finish PR1 and then started them both in PR2 at the same time? This sounds like a good idea bc I would be saving myself teaching time. What do you think?

Edited by hmsmith
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I would keep your 7yo moving more quickly and not combine them.


Why?:bigear: I'm not aware of the cons in combining.


We do WWE seperately on their own levels and I would continue to do that. But I figured that grammar, vocab, lit analysis could be combined since they're not really skills. Dd7 would be in 3rd grade when we started pr2.


Im not really familiar with what all is in pr2, so... that's why I'm wondering.

Edited by hmsmith
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My ds8 and ds6 are in almost exactly the same places. I am keeping them separate. I have PR2 on hand and it looks like it will require a lot more writing. My ds8 is just getting to the point where he can write more than a sentence comfortably. Ds6 is not there yet. I want to keep ds8 advancing in his skills without waiting for ds6 to catch up.


Another reason that I need to keep them separate is that ds8 gets annoyed with doing the same thing as his little brother. They are less than 2 years apart, but he feels so much older and wiser ;) that working on the exact same assignments for skill subjects bothers him.

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It sounds like you are thinking of finishing out the school year with younger daughter in PR1, then starting the next school year with both of them in PR2? Then your 6-yr-old would be at least 6.5? Hmmm. Do watch the videos and see what you think. My DD was 6.5 when we started PR1, 7.5 when we started PR2. She reads well and has good handwriting, but I do think that she wouldn't have been ready for PR2 at 6.5. Now, if your DD will be 7 by then, perhaps it could work, either age naturally depending on her own skill level.


I see what you saying, though. It would definitely feel harder having to teach the same lessons twice in 6 months! However, I'm inclined to think that if you keep them separate, given their age difference, you won't feel pressured if you end up needing to take your time with your younger one. I know *I* would start stressing if my well-laid plan was going awry ;) I don't think it's a bad idea, though. Check out the videos; consider your time frame, ages, and the children's abilities; if you think you can make it work, go for it! Just be careful to not pressure yourself or your daughter, or to hold your older daughter back if she's ready for more :)

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