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Writing Tales users - how long does a lesson take in WT 1?


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Well you can either do the daily lesson plans or the once a week homeschool co-op lesson plans. I taught my class (WT2) with the co-op plans and easily got everything done in 1 hour, including doing part of the homework orally. My dd tended to do the rest of her work for the week all in one long chunk, rather than daily bits. The homework didn't take long, so it was mainly however long she needed to write her draft. I'd say plan 1/2 hour a day and you'd be fine, perfectly fine. Or plan 3 days a week: 1 hour (co-op lesson) plus 1/2 hour (homework) plus 1 hour (draft). Those are incredibly, incredibly generous times slots though. I typed the final drafts and the editing usually got done in that 1 hour class period, so that 2nd week of each model it only took 10-15 minutes to get the final done, not a big deal at all. Even the first draft really just depends on how quickly your dc writes, or whether he has to spill blood, sweat, and stare at the paper a while to get thoughts to come out. :)

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Well it just depends . The first two lessons were pretty easy for my girls . My oldest completed the first lesson all in one day . The 2nd story it took two days . But after that Lesson 3 and so one we've done daily lessons . You could use the co-op lessons too if you wanted . As far as how long it takes us for each lesson now . About maybe a half hour . Depending on what lesson we are doing .

Even if you get it mapped out you may find that your going to have to adjust it according to your child . So you really won't know until you start using it and go from there .

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