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Classical Conversations Memory ?s


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FFew ?s about Classical Conversations Foundation memory work:


- are they getting ready to change their audio memory cd & flashcards b/c they have new science & history cards or will the new cards match up? (if you own the new cards, do they go with the old audio?)


- I'm primarily looking into the audio & flashcards for the history sentences & timeline ... could this be done by just getting the new history cards?


- we're looking to do this at home vs w/ the program... any tips/suggestions?




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There are other changes in the memory work, but since you asked specifically about history and timeline:


The new audio cds will include the new timeline. That's the major difference. The old audios did not include the timeline titles because of copyright issues with Veritas Press (whose timeline it was). Since CC is publishing their own timeline, now they can include it on the audio cds and make songs as well as other memory aids for that part.


There will be slight changes to the history sentences in the new materials (no major fact changes, just wording here and there). I do not know if all the tunes will be the same (I am assuming so, just slightly different words occasionally).


If all you are using from the memory work is history sentences and timeline, you could just buy the audio cd for the cycle you want. I don't know if the titles of timeline cards will be included in the memory work flashcards (those little 2"x3"ish colored cards with one cycle's memory work). If you have the new audio cd, you won't have to purchase the timeline cards separately to know what it is.

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