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Greek for 8th grader

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Hi everyone,


Please forgive me for asking this on the HS board, but I know you all have so much knowledge to draw from...


My ds is interested in learning classical Greek next year (he'll be in 8th grade.) We'd like for him to take the NGE and maybe the National Mythology Exam. I'd really like an online class, as he wants to do this somewhat independently. I've been looking at Lukeion, but there's a good chance we'll have a timing conflict with his tutorial. We'd really need a Mon or Wed class. So, can anyone suggest any alternatives to have as a plan B? Or, can you suggest resources to use here at home without an online component that would prepare for the NGE?


Thanks so much!


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In case you don't find a good alternative, Lukeion will record the classes if you need to watch them later. Obviously you'd miss out on some of the interactivity of the live class, but you can always email any questions. All of the homework, quizzes, and other activities are available online through Quia and can be accessed any time. Lukeion Greek students are automatically enrolled in the National Greek Exam in the spring semester.



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In case you don't find a good alternative, Lukeion will record the classes if you need to watch them later. Obviously you'd miss out on some of the interactivity of the live class, but you can always email any questions. All of the homework, quizzes, and other activities are available online through Quia and can be accessed any time. Lukeion Greek students are automatically enrolled in the National Greek Exam in the spring semester.




I didn't know that! Boy, no wonder I spend so much time here. A person really has to read everything...

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I'm not sure if the instructor will allow watching the recordings and never coming to class, you may want to email it find out about that before you plan on it. Class attendance and participation is part of your grade. My son has loved the Lukeion class and will be doing the NGE in March.

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