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Zaner Bloser Big Books?


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I've been planning on using this for writing and I'm trying to figure out from the catalog what I really need for 1st grade. It is more expensive than I had originally thought.


Obviously I need the student edition, is the teacher's edition a must have as well?


What are the Big Books? Not a lot of explanation about them in the catalog, seems a little excessive at $189.99 for 8 books that I'm unsure of.


Also, do I need the transparency book at $64, seems high, is it something I can find elswhere at a reasonable price?


Any experience and assistance is greatly appreciated. We didn't use this for K, so I'm completely in the dark about it all. :001_smile:

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I'll take a shot at it, although I haven't used these products, so this may be completely off. :tongue_smilie:


Usually "big books" refers to books that a teacher would read to the class, holding them up for all to see the pictures--thus the need for a large size.


Not 100% sure about the transparancies, but these are probably for classroom use on an overhead projector, and would be transparancies of student worksheets.


You may want to just call the company for further clarification, but I bet you won't need half the stuff.


Hope that's at least a tiny bit helpful...:001_smile:

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I use zaner bloser handwriting also. I really like it over the others I have use. I have some of the TE and they are okay, but not a necessity. I got mine used, I would not pay what they ask for them.


I also use their grammar G.U.M. (grammar, usage, and mechanics) we love it!!


I am not to sure what the big books are, but am on my way to check it out.

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Thank you ladies! I suspect that Mamabegood, is right and I don't need but half the stuff. I will call the company today and get more clarification on the products I mentioned. Hopefully to my pocketbook I can feel comfortable walking away with just student books.:)

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Update: duh, I was looking in the catalog under "writing strategies" which is just a wee bit different than practicing manuscript writing. LOL I also called customer service and they pretty much said all I need are some student workbooks for the twins next year. :D

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