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2011 - A Year in Review - What Worked Well?


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So what did you do last year that worked? Any tricks? Ideas?


I'll start...


Making memory work fun with m&ms has been a big hit. We are all enjoying memory work more!


Returning to MFW - love the bible and history is just right. I love it!


Abeka science. Horrors I know, but my kids love it. (AIG was torture for us.) Who knew?

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Every Sunday night I printed out our weekly plan. Each day had listed what I wanted to accomplish. If we didn't complete, we did our best to get it done before the week was up. It has kept me on task and gave boys a visual of their day. I can now look back and see all that we've accomplished.


Switching to MUS


Adding ETC

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For my 6 year old who can have a problem focusing I've found that sticking with the same order of subjects every single day helps us get more done. She always knows what is coming next and how much more we have to go and I think that helps us both pace ourselves. We have also found that doing math facts and spelling while she moves around (usually hula hooping!) helps her think!

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Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons. We actually do art every week now!


I started alternating using IEW for a few weeks and WWW for a few weeks for writing. That has been great. I like the variety and the types of exercises.


HWOT cursive is easy peasy. Woudn't think of using anything else.


The kids did their first oral presentation recently. They gave a presentation about their history lapbook and then recited a few of their favorite sections from their memory work. The audience consisted of grandparents, dh, and me. The kids were trying their newly practiced skills of speaking loudly, slowly, and making eye contact. It was great! The grandparents (who don't like homeschooling) think our kids are smart. Maybe they will come around someday...

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Following Singapore Math with Jacobs' Mathematics: A Human Endeavour, a 1970s edition, has been such a pleasure. In this "prealgebra" year, my 11yo son is learning about all kinds of math topics through this textbook author's sense of humor, fun, and directed exploration. It's an extra bonus that this book was written before handheld calculators or personal computers, so everything is done by hand & mind!

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TOG!!! :001_wub:


Could not have predicted how much this would be a fit for everyone in the family.


Along with that has been the "bookmark system" I devised to go along with reading assignments. I made cardstock bookmarks with "week 1, week 2, week 3..." and at the beginning of the term I write down all the writing assignments for each week and stick them in the books. That way, when he is done with his reading, he can move the bookmark and know exactly how much he has to read for the following week. We both agree that it is a near-perfect system, and SO SIMPLE to implement.

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