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Dutch Blitz players, please help!

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So we got this game for Christmas after I read about it on this board awhile back. My husband and I played a couple of games today, but during both games we got to a point where we were stuck. Neither one of us could play a card. I couldn't see anything in the rules about this, and I tried googling it but couldn't find with a rule for this situation. We ended up just shuffling the cards in our hands, but it seemed kind of lame. Are we doing something wrong? What do you do in this situation?

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Two quick suggestions:

Play with more than 2 people.

Cheat with your "wood" pile. If you are only turning over every 3rd card, alter it to every OTHER card. The cards you need are likely in that stack.

As I recall there are 4 different designs on the BACK (white) side of the cards. Make sure you are each using 2 designs, so that you're using all of the cards in the deck.


I'm a bit rusty on DB, but wanted to give you some quick helps.



Our kids love the fast pace of the game.

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