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For those considering adding exercise to their life in 2012


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That is pretty much my exercise philosophy.


If we are going to a Disney park, I "count" that as my walking for the day as we do not eat junk there and we walk a ton. That's usually one day/week.


If we're not doing Disney, I either do 30 minutes on the gazelle in our front room and watch/coach my younger daughter do her tumbling practice (cartwheels, front walkovers, whatever she's working on) while I am doing that- or we go on a bike ride or swim.


I am overweight and this approach hasn't helped me lose weight. BUT I feel better physically, and I know it helps me ward off depression.


I'm not in it to be an athlete- I'm in it to be healthy and stay alive to see my grandkids.

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This is an powerful. No shock value...just simple facts and statistics.


I turned 40 this year and I'm neither particularly overweight (some, but not obese), NOR particularly healthy (elevated blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol). I intend to do something about it, starting today. Again.


Ok, tomorrow, but really....it doesn't have to be much. Anything is better than nothing.

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