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The Creative Writer - a quick review : )


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Just got this and boy, does it look GOOD.

I love that it can be self-directed.

I love that Mr. Fishman comes across as very "learned" and confident, but does not talk over-the-heads of the reader.

I love that it is simple and straight-forward!

I love that it is inexpensive!

And finally, I love that SWB has "approved" it so I can rest in the knowledge that it is academically solid.

Two thumbs up from this happy Mama! :D

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I have it on my wish list. Dd is currently charging through WWE3 at double speed. We can't wait to start this along with WWS.:001_smile:


OK, so it says it is for "middle grades." Does that mean 5-8 or the traditional 6 or 7-8? Will your daughter do WWE4 or move right to WWS?


HOW do you do WWE3 at double speed?? Two lessons a day? Faithfully? I can never keep up with it! It's the one thing we are always try to fit in.

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