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Becky Higgins Project Life for 2012--anybody else?

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Just stumbled across Project Life for the first time last night. I haven't done scrapbooking for probably 8-10 years. I think I just might have the motivation now to do something like this. Are you going to do the actual kit, or are you going to do the digital Project Life?

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I don't enjoy digital but it is faster. I got the Amber kit for Christmas and the big pack of style A protectors. So far, I've taken a picture everyday but I don't see that continuing all year. I also need to make some decisions about our family albums for the last two years. They might be digital because I want them DONE.


ETA: Becky is posting ideas to help people get started all week on her blog.

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I don't enjoy digital but it is faster. I got the Amber kit for Christmas and the big pack of style A protectors. So far, I've taken a picture everyday but I don't see that continuing all year. I also need to make some decisions about our family albums for the last two years. They might be digital because I want them DONE.


ETA: Becky is posting ideas to help people get started all week on her blog.


I did PL in 2011. Photo a day for about 3 months then got behind. I ended up having some 2 page spreads that covered a couple of weeks and some 4 page spreads that covered a week (family reunion/open house/out of state visitors all in one week) and it still turned out very well. Even my dh thought it was a great idea. There are some weeks where all I captured were the kinds of things I wish I could see from my own growing up. What we did on 'regular' days. What our town looks like. Then there were some big moments. I think it's an WONDERFUL idea just give yourself some flexibilty for missing the 'photo a day.'

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did PL in 2010 and 2011. 2010 I actually took a picture a day (well, some days I took more than one, some less- it all evened out). I just had a new baby so there was always something adorable to take a picture of!


Last year I did a two-page layout for every month (so about 16? per month plus journaling). At the end of each month, I just looked through all the pictures I'd gathered from that month and chose the ones I felt matched the spaces well (more "important" ones for the larger slots, etc). Drew my own diagram and labeled each space so I'd know where the pictures would go when they returned from the printing company.


In addition to the monthly layouts, I made a few themed pages- museums, meals, games, reading, friends, etc- with special pictures representing that theme. I also did a two-page layout for each child near their birthday.


This year I'm doing the digital version because I'd like to print out a copy for each child. We'll see how that works...

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