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Dc started IEW class with a friend.

I have a question.


Is it necessary to write out their work on paper? Can they type it on the computer?

If so, can I just correct it on the computer(highlighting errors in a different color)or do I need to print out and correct it that way?


How do you do this?

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I have my daughter write her KWO on the form. I let her type her paper all the way from the rough draft **but** I don't let her use the automatic correction feature on word. She has to print out the paper and correct it once or twice herself and then I go over it.


I have an acquaintance who lets her kids type only the final but she lets them use the correction feature on Word.

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dc are doing the dress-ups while doing the rough draft..I dont' know what openers are!?!?:confused:


Ds is having a hard time doing this, but dd LOVES it.


I know I am not suppose to, but I end up sitting with them and helping them!


For some reason his mind goes totally blank when he sits down to do this.

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I have my daughter write her KWO on the form. I let her type her paper all the way from the rough draft **but** I don't let her use the automatic correction feature on word. She has to print out the paper and correct it once or twice herself and then I go over it.


I have an acquaintance who lets her kids type only the final but she lets them use the correction feature on Word.


Friend told me, if they prefer to type it is fine with her..she has her dd type.


I will have to see how to turn off the automatic correction thing.

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dc are doing the dress-ups while doing the rough draft..I dont' know what openers are!?!?:confused:


Ds is having a hard time doing this, but dd LOVES it.


I know I am not suppose to, but I end up sitting with them and helping them!


For some reason his mind goes totally blank when he sits down to do this.



I wouldn't worry about openers until your dc are comfortable with the kwo and dress-ups. I am assuming you have a copy of the syllabus. If so, look through it as there are some pages that talk about openers (pgs 16-19 have some nice info. on both dress-ups and openers).


Who says you are not supposed to sit and help? I think sometimes we feel our dc should slog through this stuff without any help. If it is new to them or difficult, by all means, sit and help them. I think in the long run they will feel better about the assignment and in the end do a better job. I say keep doing what you are doing. :D


If you don't have the syllabus, I do recommend purchasing one. I was just on IEW website and they have one that was a return so it is $15 (you have to call to order clearance items).


Anyway, I would just keep doing what you are doing. You will see progress and over time they will need your help less and less.

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dc are doing the dress-ups while doing the rough draft..I dont' know what openers are!?!?:confused:


Ds is having a hard time doing this, but dd LOVES it.


I know I am not suppose to, but I end up sitting with them and helping them!


For some reason his mind goes totally blank when he sits down to do this.


They are actually supposed to do the dress-ups at the same time as the rough draft. My DD does this. DS, however, has a really hard time, so I let him add them after he finishes his initial rough draft.


And you ARE supposed to sit and help them. Andrew Pudewa is really big on helping kids, especially when they are first learning. He actually brainstorms dress-ups with them before they do their rough draft.


Openers come much, much later. I wouldn't worry about them now.


Both of my kids do their KWO by hand, then type their rough draft. We print it out, I edit it, then they make corrections, again on the computer. I haven't had them do much editing on their own, though I should.

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Since she is the only student, I often sit with her as she does the kwo - and brainstorm with her about possible dress-ups....or remind her of things we have talked about (for instance, when we do stories or summaries of several texts, I remind her of "only 3 paragraphs", "setting in the first paragraph, conflict in the 2nd, and solution in the third").


Because she is still a little reluctant about writing, I tell her to write her rough draft from the KWO, and "don't worry about the dress ups." Then we go back and add those we talked about during the brainstorming - or add different ones if my dd wants to. This is for longer writing pieces, not for the paragraphs done during units 1 and 2. I hope this helps, Kathy

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