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Christmas gifys for boys....6-14 yrs.....

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I have 8 nieces amd 8 nephews, all on one side of the family. I am making Owl Purses (from a previous gift post.) For all the girls. Now I need ideas for boys. Their ages are


6 almost 7



10 (2)





I don't know what they are all interested in and I would love to male something simple.....but any ideas are good....

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This might be a bit too honky, but we made swords/light sabers out of pool noodles for a birthday party one year, and it was a huge hit. The kids still play with them 2 years later, and their friends all still have the ones we gave them. Basically we cut the pool noodle in half to make two shorter noodles, and the notched out a handle by cutting away half of the width. We then wrapped the handle in silver duct tape. Easy peasy.


The reason these are so great is that they are strong/stiff enough to really sword fight with (they don't bend) but it doesn't hurt when you get hit by one.

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the ever-popular marshmallow shooter? I made 8 for under $15.


duct-tape wallets? (or one duct tape roll per kid with printed instructions LOL)


no-sew fleece blankets?


pajamas? You can iron-on/sew-on decal solid tees and buy boxers?


DIY ant farm?


balls? My nephews range from 1-19, and they all love any kind of ball. And put it to immediate use!

Nerf balls, whiffle balls, tennis balls, footballs, soccer balls, bouncy balls, ...


mix tape? my library has tons of CDs and I made a CD specific for each kid one year.


If all else fails you can sew little felt or cloth holders and slip each kid a $5-10 gift card to starbucks, sonic, or iTunes.


pack of cards and dice? inexpensive games ($5-10/each) like Uno. Pass the Pigs is a huge hit with everyone at my house; it's ~$10.


you can buy plain water bottles (stainless or plastic) and personalize them. Kind of like that thread where she put the WW2 sticker on her dad's handmixer.


or plain white coffee mugs that you personalize, and add some packets of hot cocoa, marshmallows, and a huge chocolate candy bar :)

Edited by eternalknot
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$5 t-shirts from Old Navy, decorated with the logo of their favorite video game or toy. (Lego logo, school mascot, family reference, etc.) I did one for a Pollyanna using a laundry marker last week, and it was a HUGE hit. I searched the web for a suitable easy graphic, copied the pic, cropped it to just the graphic, and printed it in the size I wanted for the shirt. Using the printout as a guide, I sketched it in chalk then inked it in with the laundry marker. Any fairly simple black-and-white graphic will work.


You can also cut stencils out of "freezer paper" and iron them on to the shirt, use the marker to trace the stencils, and then peel off the freezer paper. (Freezer paper is coated with some kind of waxy stuff and quilters often use it for pattern making. It irons on nicely and peels off cleanly.)

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