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At last: Progress!


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We've had such a hard time with reading. I started in October with my 5yo. After trying Jolly Phonics (which I found expensive and vague) ds could not "get" the idea of sounding the letters -let alone blending! Now I have moved to Word Mastery along with the McGuffey Ecclectic Primer.


It has been reeeaaaaally slow, but after 2 months and a disastrous start of the week full of :banghead: :smash: :angry: :crying: I gave both us a 'break'. Today I thought, what the heck, let's try again. Suddenly I see ds sounding out the letters and blending them on his own. He didn't need prompting. Yes, we are still on simple 3 letter words but I saw a light switch on in ds' eyes. He was even capable of handling a few new words! :w00t:


Yes, I know that 3 letter words are easy but I am just so happy to see some progress.

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:hurray: I remember when my youngest was at that point. He had all the letter sounds down, but the blending was a foreign concept to him. It took about 2 months until he matured enough and was ready to "read".


Thank GOD someone replied. Actually I felt very silly posting this. I mean, I read about curriculum choices of latin and whatnot, and I think "Two months to blend "sat, let, ran, fan" etc? You make me better.

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Good to hear you made progress. I am working hard with my 6.5 y/o. It is those dang blends. They just take time. She looks at a word with 5 letters and just says, "nope, too long". It is a slow process, but I know somehow, someway we will get there. I am also kind of combining programs. We do AAR and AAS, and recently added OPTGR. Whew, something will work.

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We were the same way. We had two false starts and several breaks before our lightbulb moment. Now my daughter's reading has taken off and she reads everything she can find! For a while I thought I was possibly the worst, most impatient teacher ever. We just weren't ready and needed a break.


My daughter would sound out a 3 letter word and end up with a completely different word when she would say the word. She would add letters or subtract letters, or both. "and" would become "dad" and crazy things like that. It made me so nuts!


Now she can sound out longer words without morphing them into something else.


It's weird how they learn in little leaps and jumps rather than in perfectly incremental steps. That was news to me!

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Thank you for the words of encouragement. Honestly I thought I was failing miserably and feeling miserable. Now I kow this is just the beginning, but I can see that it can be done. I have been talking to dh about this reading thing and I just get blank stares -poor man thinks I've lost it. Anyway, I let ds watch some cartoons as a reward and I did a little dance in the kitchen to celebrate!

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