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Pimsleur Approach - language learning ?

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I've been looking at buying some of these cds - I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this? I'm not looking for school credit at this point, just to try to get a little foreign language exposure for my kids. We've done some German in the past with K12, but dd didn't retain very much at all. Looking at the website, this approach makes a lot of sense to me. I didn't learn English by writing and matching words - we learn by speaking, then learning grammar.


Any thoughts?

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I can't find the article right now, but I read an article awhile back about how the US govt. used this method to teach a foreign language to it's officials in a short time. The article was very praiseworthy of the method. I keep that in the back of my mind and will buy it when it becomes a priority financially. I'm going to keep looking for the article.

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I like this approach for adults but I'm not sure it would be effective with younger kids. I tried it with my daughter when she was about 9 and she found it too frustrating (and repetitive). A few years later though it was fine.

Can you try out a library copy first? Our public library has Pimsleur courses in many languages.

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I have used Pimsleur for learning French. It is very effective. The information does stick really well and it feels like you'll remember it forever. My sister loves it, I decided to go with something else, though, because the repetitiveness just killed it for me. However, if this is not a problem for you, then it is a very good and effective program.

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