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I need advice

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My oldest DD joined a theather group this year @ Christmas time. She loved it and one of my other kids has since joined. They have a yearly competition and with us being new we didn't enter the kids for any solo songs, but the whole group is doing a song together. My DD and DS don't have a major part in this 3 minute song and are just part of the back up singers. I think there are 30-35 kids total in the group song.


So the first 2 competition shows are done and I think my kids are the only two who don't sing any song other than the one group one. We are fine with this as we are new to the whole competition thing and wanted to see how it all worked.


The problem is it cost money to sing a song and for the last level of competition it's $35 per child and it's being held 2 hours from here. The whole competition is over five days and everyone is going up and staying at a hotel for the five days.


Money is very tight for us this year and by the time of the competition gas will probably be well over $4 a gallon. So I figured we would just go up for the day the group is performing( They are only singing the song once) and then drive back. But then I got thinking, it seems silly to pay $70 ( more, we have already paid $80 for the last 2 shows) and then drive 4 hours for them to sing in a 3 minute song. Plus we would probably end up eating out and all that, have to take all the kids and drive my stupid gas guzzler van.


WWYD? It makes sense to NOT go, but I don't know what to do. I feel so guilty for not wanting to go.

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My oldest DD joined a theather group this year @ Christmas time. She loved it and one of my other kids has since joined. They have a yearly competition and with us being new we didn't enter the kids for any solo songs, but the whole group is doing a song together. My DD and DS don't have a major part in this 3 minute song and are just part of the back up singers. I think there are 30-35 kids total in the group song.


It sounds like the show could go on if your kids decline to participate. It does mean they will miss out on the experience. However, they have participated in the past, and will have more opportunities in the future. How would they feel about perhaps sitting this one out?

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I think the directer would be disapointed. Most of the people have multiple kids performing mutiple songs. The last competition level it cost $40 a song for solos and some kids did 5-6 songs. I think it's $75 a song for this show in addition to the $35 each pays to sing this group song. Most of these people are homeschoolers with more than one child. I am seriously wondering how people afford any extra curriculular stuff and what in the world DH and I are doing wrong.


But, yes, she will probably be disapointed. I guess I should have thought this out better before hand.

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Most of these people are homeschoolers with more than one child. I am seriously wondering how people afford any extra curriculular stuff and what in the world DH and I are doing wrong.



You're not doing anything wrong, but you have 10 kids. I can swing a lot of extras because I only have to pay for 2 and they can do a lot of things together so it's not so hard to coordinate. I would do even more if I didn't have to drag my oldest along to afterschool activities. I can't even imagine having to take 8 (or 4 or 5) extra kids along to TKD or dance. :tongue_smilie:

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