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Share your personal reading goals for 2012!!

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Remember the ol' Triple 8 Challenge (888 Challenge)? That sort of petered out after the first year it was big online, but I really liked it and we try to do it every year!


How it works: Come up with 8 categories, each with 8 books that fit that category and ONLY 8 can be repeated (or not if you don't want to or need to!) in another category.


For example, 2 of my categories are "Awards Winners" (or you could pick Bestsellers List, etc.) and "Books with Great Titles (just because I have a good one in mind for that one, hehe). In the past I've had "First in a Series or Trilogy", books set in a certain country or region, "Classics", "Well-Educated Mind Selections", or just genres like "Historical Fiction" or whatever!


I don't hold myself to only this list, but I really do like to direct myself a bit. This year I didn't and feel like I was aimless and bored a lot of the time. I'm sure this sort of thing might take the fun out of it for some people, but not a nerd like me! :lol:


So, do you have any reading goals to share for next year? :)

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I hang out with the 52 challenge gals, and I'm going to have a go with the Shakespeare group. :) http://hivemindshake.webs.com I only hope I can get from movie versions to reading, because I'm almost a complete noob. :o


And because we are shifting libraries, I shall have to start back at A and the 001's. Because I'm a nerd. :D



Edited by Rosie_0801
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Well dh and I cooked up this plan for 2012. Our goal is to pick 12 books that we want to read in order to grow in various areas of our faith. We will do one a month and we will each read the book separately but then talk about the book together. Then we decided to invite some friends to join us in this. Now we have a little book club that will meet once a month. Here are the books we chose:


Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ - John MacArthur;


Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself (Re:Lit) - Joe Thorn;


Gospel-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting - William P. Farley


Desiring God, Revised Edition: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist - John Piper


Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God - John Piper


What Is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission - Kevin DeYoung


Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus - Kyle Idleman


The Holiness of God - R. C. Sproul


Family Driven Faith : Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God - Voddie Baucham Jr.


Reading Scripture with the Reformers - Timothy George


The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God - Timothy Keller


Alone with God: Rediscovering the Power and Passion of Prayer - John MacArthur Jr.

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