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Yes, yes more sonlight questions....


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Now I just looked at the sample of the instructors guide. Wow, you have like 5 books going at once.


Now does this become confusing? Or do they all mesh together well. Also at one point it was like 8 chapters to read in one day. Now for my son who is a slow reader this would be torture.


Am I looking at this right? Or am I reading way too much into this?


Please help!

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We just did core 6. The IG is upstairs so I don't have it in my hands right now, but from what I recall it was usually 1 chapter of SOTW, maybe 1 chapter of a Foster book when those were going on, and 1 or 2 chapters of a reader. So probably 4 chapters at the most. There was a chapter or two of a read aloud daily, but the parent reads those. There are parents who also read aloud the history reading, so that would leave just a couple of chapters for the student to read to himself.


We didn't find it confusing, because you would read the historical background in SOTW or a Foster book, and then the story of it would come alive with the historical fiction reading.

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Ok, got my SL6 IG. I've picked week 22 (at random).


Day 1 (Monday)

Chapt 17 of SOTW pp 172-175

Usborne Ency of WH p 270-71

Great and Terrible Quest chapter 6 pp 88-106

Otto and the Silver Hand (Read Aloud) Chapter 6

Favorite Poems pp 290-91


So really, much of this you all can do together if he is a reluctant reader. I hope this helps give you an idea of an average day.

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Ok, got my SL6 IG. I've picked week 22 (at random).


Day 1 (Monday)

Chapt 17 of SOTW pp 172-175

Usborne Ency of WH p 270-71

Great and Terrible Quest chapter 6 pp 88-106

Otto and the Silver Hand (Read Aloud) Chapter 6

Favorite Poems pp 290-91


So really, much of this you all can do together if he is a reluctant reader. I hope this helps give you an idea of an average day.


I forgot about the Usborne Encyclopedia and the poetry book. But there are only a page or two if those per day, the encyclopedia is a lot of pictures and a quick read, the poems I just have my son read through and then read me his favorite aloud. Both take no time at all. :)

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and we'll be doing it this fall with my 6th grader. I bought ONLY the IG and timeline stickers. We will follow the SL 6schedule for history, poetry and Bible but not for the readers and read alouds. SL schedules WAY too many books to be read too fast for us so we'll do only about half the readers/read alouds.


You don't have to follow the SL schedule exactly but do what works for your dc or go it alone and read SOTW 1 & 2 one chapter/day with the AG and add in some historical fiction of your choice.

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We did core 6 this past year. The reading looks like a lot at first but is very manageable. My 12 and 10 year old both did this core and were able to keep up with the reading easily.

I did read SOTW to them- I do that with all the history spines just so we can discuss them and do the geograghy as we go along. The Encyclopedia of World History is usually only 2 pages and those are mostly pictures. The readers themselves seemed to move along quickly and most were not difficult reading. You can search the Sonlight boards about Core 6- there are many threads on the books and level of difficulty, content etc. We read them all, but some choose to skip some of the books. If you do that you can slow the pace down for your reluctant reader. Then there are the read alouds which you of course will read to them.

My kids came out of Christian School a few years ago and both disliked History. They said it was just toooo boring. Because of Sonlight and the books they are reading they both say History is now their favorite. It has been a great fit for us and really has made history come alive .

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We love sonlight! If the pace is too much, you can always slow it down some. I thought it would be weird reading from so many books at once too, but, then I realized that if we were using text books we would be reading little chunks from several text books at once, so really, no big difference. You'll realize after getting into it that they schedule it this way so that the child is basically hearing information about the same thing from several sources, for instance:


First he will hear about Ancient Egypt in SOTW.


He may do some map work or mark a timeline.


You may read a couple pages from the Wold Hist encyclopedia and look at some pictures from the time period.


You will read to him from a read-aloud, The Golden Goblet, which is about the same time period he is studying in history.


He will read from his reader, Mara Daughter of the Nile, which is also from the same time period.


He will start to get a feel of what life was like then, how people lived and dressed, What their homes were like, government, what they ate, history will begin to come alive.;) You just don't find that in a dry old textbook.

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OOOPs, forgot to mention, the SOTW activity guides are great too! If your son needs a little hands on to break up his day there are nice maps and all kinds of activities, everything from making a chicken mummy to cooking a greek meal. I will be doing core 6 with my 12 yo ds in Aug and we will be adding some of these activities just for fun. My 22 yo autistic ds likes to join in for the fun stuff too.:D

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and we'll be doing it this fall with my 6th grader. I bought ONLY the IG and timeline stickers. We will follow the SL 6schedule for history, poetry and Bible but not for the readers and read alouds. SL schedules WAY too many books to be read too fast for us so we'll do only about half the readers/read alouds.


You don't have to follow the SL schedule exactly but do what works for your dc or go it alone and read SOTW 1 & 2 one chapter/day with the AG and add in some historical fiction of your choice.


My idea is to choose between the readers and read alouds and switch them off... a reader this week, read aloud the next. Still choosing between WP and SL. By the time we get to core 6 I am sure we will have lots more choices!

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