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Bathroom Scales

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I could have sworn I'd seen a thread around here recently on this topic, but I've searched in vain for the past hour and finally decided I'd start a new one to ask my questions.


Dh and I were chatting this evening and I told him I was tired of my seven year old WW digital scale giving me grief. He asked what I meant. I told him I can get on it and weigh myself but if I step off and back on 5x I often get 5 different answers which is insane. I don't remember it doing that before.


Which led to the discussion is analog or digital better in regards to accuracy. When I googled that I noticed most people believed digital was but not due to anything scientific, it was mostly based on the entire theory that digital is modern and thus better. I found that funny.


So, if you were in the mood to buy a new bathroom scale before the old one got hurled out the window at the neighbor's annoying yapper which would buy and why?

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I tend to stay "old school" here and prefer analog. I can zero them out if they get wonky. If a digital gets off, how would you know?


(eta) the digital affair at our vet's office had my dog gaining 8lbs once, just by going into the exam room and coming back out. I don't think "modern" is an improvement. (I can apply the same to lots of things beyond scales - razors, coffee makers...)


I really prefer a balance scale, but that seems over the top for home so I just weigh myself at work. :D

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I got a digital Health O Meter scale that goes to the half pound about 10 years ago when I started weight watchers and found it to be very accurate. I've been using it everyday (sometimes multiple times....) and it is still very accurate as I get on it before I go weigh in at WW so I can compare. I haven't even had to replace the battery on it this whole time either. I think it so depends on the quality of the scale rather than the type.

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