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Anyone want some gems?

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Thought I'd throw out some of the things our neuropsych suggested to us as I have a chance to go through them. Here's the first:


http://www.donjohnston.com/products/draft_builder/index.html Draft Builder. We've all heard of Inspiration. This is similar but apparently focuses more on the STEPS of the process and helping them with structure.


Has any body used it?

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I know, the idea of Inspiration seems neat, but I think what you're saying might be true, that it might not be explicit enough on helping the kids develop STRUCTURE and holding their hands. And it was interesting to me that the vendor at that link sells both and could contrast them. I need to go back and run the demo video. The price was sort of ouchy.


Hey, we should get HBC to do a group buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll write them. Maybe they could. I could wait a month for it if they could get something moving. :)


I looked up a lot of the books he suggested and will start tossing them out. Some were ones I've seen mentioned before (Smart but Scattered), but some were very different. One was pricy, at $30, but it had really awesome charts in the back for students to use for various tasks. So I'll look those up again and start posting them.

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I know, the idea of Inspiration seems neat, but I think what you're saying might be true, that it might not be explicit enough on helping the kids develop STRUCTURE and holding their hands. And it was interesting to me that the vendor at that link sells both and could contrast them. I need to go back and run the demo video. The price was sort of ouchy.


Hey, we should get HBC to do a group buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll write them. Maybe they could. I could wait a month for it if they could get something moving. :)


I looked up a lot of the books he suggested and will start tossing them out. Some were ones I've seen mentioned before (Smart but Scattered), but some were very different. One was pricy, at $30, but it had really awesome charts in the back for students to use for various tasks. So I'll look those up again and start posting them.


Oh... yes, please do post any book recommendations you were given :)!

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