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DD has unbelievably wiry hair - what can we do with it?

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She's almost 14, starting to care about how her hair looks.


She keeps it long about 6 inches below her shoulders. She wears it in different braided styles a lot, which look nice. When she wears it all down, the top layer is silky and shiny and kind of golden blond/brown; it looks beautiful.


But underneath it is darker brown and sooo coarse, it is seriously like nothing I have felt before. And overall her hair is extremely thick - she has a TON of it.


My hair is baby fine, frizzy etc. So I have no idea what to do for her. We've tried a curling iron and it doesn't really do much, doesn't stay in. We're not huge into product, but I'd be willing to try something if it would soften her hair, make it more manageable.


Thanks for any ideas, experience!



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If it's really coarse and wavy you might try the mixed chicks stuff anyway. She will probably end up with nice spiral curls or waves if you follow the instructions on the website. We use the adult products not the kid's. My dd's hair is curly but after I first wash it it looks shiny and just wavy. It gets more curly and tangly by the minute if I don't have the leave-in conditioner. Usually if hair is coarse and thick, it's dry. My hair is fine and straight so dealing with dd's hair has been a challenge but now with the right products her hair is easier to fix then mine.

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My hair is not really coarse, but I have got a whole lot of it. To top it off it is generally wavy and frizzy. The only thing that makes my hair look right is a combo of cut and product. There are a few cuts that look good and actually help make my hair workable.


I would look around and try to find a hairstylist who can help you work out what cuts create a manageable situation for your DD. He/she may also be able to help you figure out the best product for your DD's hair.

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It it were shorter it would probably be curly. Mine gets weighed down the longer it gets and will be wavy instead of curly. It is SO thick-full-heavy and SO coarse, it seems to grow out instead of down.


I agree that product is a good thing. Condition it well and consider going no-poo or low-poo. I don't wash mine often but I condition every couple of days. Aquage (sp?) makes a smoothing gel that works really well and makes my curls softer than anything else I have ever tried before. I love it. Problem is it is $18 for a 7oz bottle, so not cheap. I buy it when I can, but haven't lately. :(


A good cut is key. Long layers instead of all one length.


Also, I never brush mine (gee, my head sounds positively nasty here, but I promise it is not). I use a wide-tooth comb when wet and my fingers. I use a pick when it is dry. I never blow dry -- mostly air dry. If I have the time I will sometimes use a diffuser and my fingers.


You will not change the genetic structure of her hair, but you can learn to show it off to its best advantage.

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Pam - you do not sound nasty at all:D

My dh has very coarse thick hair (gee, wonder where dd gets it), and he hardly ever washes it. Never brushes it. Actually puts oil (like coconut or olive) right in it after he showers otherwise it is a dry poufy disaster. But he also keeps it really short, so I don't know how to translate that over to my dd's hair.


It's so funny - if I put oil in my hair it would be so gross and greasy...


thanks for the advice, maybe we just need to work on conditioning.



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It it were shorter it would probably be curly. Mine gets weighed down the longer it gets and will be wavy instead of curly. It is SO thick-full-heavy and SO coarse, it seems to grow out instead of down.


I agree that product is a good thing. Condition it well and consider going no-poo or low-poo. I don't wash mine often but I condition every couple of days. Aquage (sp?) makes a smoothing gel that works really well and makes my curls softer than anything else I have ever tried before. I love it. Problem is it is $18 for a 7oz bottle, so not cheap. I buy it when I can, but haven't lately. :(


A good cut is key. Long layers instead of all one length.


Also, I never brush mine (gee, my head sounds positively nasty here, but I promise it is not). I use a wide-tooth comb when wet and my fingers. I use a pick when it is dry. I never blow dry -- mostly air dry. If I have the time I will sometimes use a diffuser and my fingers.


You will not change the genetic structure of her hair, but you can learn to show it off to its best advantage.


Not nasty at all! My mom has beautiful, gorgeous, perfect spiral curls (nah, I'm not jealous), and she only washes every third day, and uses an angel food cake cutter to "comb" her hair. Her hair always looks good, no matter what's going on, i.e., camping, etc. It took her many, many years to come to terms with it (she came of age in the 60's, and curly hair was definitely NOT in), but as long as I can remember her hair has been beautiful and I've always wished I'd inherited "THE HAIR." :001_wub:

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