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How to win the "mother of the Year" award with sick kids

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So, the boys have colds. Very mild fevers, a little congestion, but nothing major. However, they feel cruddy and since we had some rather heady topics on the agenda for the day, I've lifted most of our homeschool assignments. We'll address them when brains are back in full function.


I dosed everyone with elderberry, vitamin c, probiotics, otc decongestants, vicks vapo rub, and tall glasses of orange juice.


In an attempt to raise their spirits since they are cranky, which makes me cranky, which ends up making dh cranky, which causes a nasty hamster wheel of crankiness, I did the following:


Hot cocoa with marshmallows (which I do not consider to be food, but oh well, it could be worse! :D)


Toast made with homemade bread and liberally spread with my homemade apple butter (which is not apple spread as purchased from stores, but an actual butter...four tablespoons of my homemade applesauce, two tbps of real butter, two tbps of coconut oil, a 1/2 tsp. of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon all whipped together).


Scrambled eggs with smoked swiss cheese in them.


Favorite history documentaries on Netflix.


I'm the queen of the house! :001_smile:



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