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first grade spelling .. planning next year .. advice needed...

momma aimee

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DS1 is using ETC and I plan to keep him in them at least though 1st.


I was thinking of Spelling workout level A (I have read the first part is a phonics / sounds rewiew, if necessary we can skill ahead a bit).


I am also planning to use The Complete Writer: Level 1 Workbook for Writing with Ease for writting.


my concern -- is all that going to be the same thing 3x? Reading about them I do not THINK so -- as ETC doesn't push memory of spelling words, and the Complete writer, as i understand it, is grammer and writting, not phonics and spelling.


my other concern is - is A Spelling work out a good program? are the spelling lists arranged by spelling rules??? or at least mostly?


(my DN is in 3rd in public school and his spelling lists are taken from that weeks reading book and are totally random -- they do not follow a rule or anything and i HATE that)



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We use WWE and ETC for my current 1st grader. I've found that for us ETC works very well as both a phonics and a spelling program. We use the last page of every lesson as a mini spelling test. If there are words he has trouble with I take note of them and at the end of the week I pull words out of the previous ETC lessons for a bigger spelling test to make sure he's retaining the information. Seems to be working fine so far.

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Due to his speech delay and other issues, I'm going to recommend AAS or another OG program. Unless you are absolutely certain he doesn't have language processing issues, I would go with a spelling program that will help minimize any potential problems.


sorry to be so dumb but an OG Program?


PhD doesn't think there is a language processing issues -- but i think you are right better to be careful than not

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You are correct, WWE is not phonics and spelling. I am not familiar with ETC.


We are finishing Spelling Workout A (SWO A) and it is fine, probably great for some people, but I will caution you that although the words are grouped (long a, short e, consonant blends with "l") they are not using "rules" as such. Perhaps this changes in later books, but if that is something you are concerned about you may want to look at another program (there seem to be a lot out there).


That said, it is inexpensive, and if you take a smarter approach than I did, you won't have to do so much backing up and retesting. By this I mean despite the seeming ease of the lessons, spread it out over an entire week with plenty of repetition.



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OG is an Orton-Gillingham program. They are very effective for people with dyslexia or language processing issues. The most popular version on this board is probably AAS, but there is also Recipe for Reading (which we have been using a bit for spelling as well). Those are the ones on the tip of my tongue, but I'm sure others can help think of additional spelling programs that are OG as well.

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OG is an Orton-Gillingham program. They are very effective for people with dyslexia or language processing issues. The most popular version on this board is probably AAS, but there is also Recipe for Reading (which we have been using a bit for spelling as well). Those are the ones on the tip of my tongue, but I'm sure others can help think of additional spelling programs that are OG as well.


Phonics Road is OG based. We love it! The teacher training via the DVDs bothers some parents but for me, I like having such detailed instruction on how to teach reading and spelling.

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We started the year doing SW after 2 years of ETC. I felt it wasn't necessary to do both but we both hated SW, esp compared to how much we love ETC.

SW was just silly, imo - the review was too babyish, the words too random, and the "story" at the beginning of the lesson was unrelated to much of anything. ETC at least goes systematically and teaches rules. It's ugly but it works, and the difficulty advances nicely through the levels.

Now, sort of like one of the pp's, I do a spelling test of my own each time we use ETC, with the last page of each lesson being a sort of "test" as well.

Her spelling is improving and more importantly, she's learning that there is a method to the madness - ie "play" and "rain" have the same sound, but "ai" is more common in the middle of a word while "ay" is what you usually see at the END.

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I'm going to chime in for OG spelling programs. The ones I'm aware of are:


The Writing Road to Reading

Spell to Write and Read

All About Spelling

Phonics Road

How to Teach Spelling/How to Spell


I love PR, which is what I'm using with my dc. I have used SWO and Spelling Power, but I didn't feel like either of those were really rules-based. They had words grouped into lists, by "rules", but they weren't always spelling rules. PR (and I assume the other OG programs) has you analyze each letter of each word so that you understand why it's spelled that way. It also takes you through a list of words based on how frequently they are used in the English language, rather than artificially grouping them by rule. I know you said that you'd rather they be grouped by rule, but in my mind it makes more sense to have dc learning the most common words first, because they will encounter those words the most in their reading and writing. It's not random--I think complete randomness would bug me, too.

Edited by bonniebeth4
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