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We are all overprotective......

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Sounds like he's giving you some practice standing up to a bully. Did you learn your anti-bully skills at school? If so, practice them on him. If not....well, maybe it wouldn't hurt to point that out.


How would you want your kids to deal with someone who tried to pressure them into doing something they feel strongly they shouldn't do? This is a great time to model that behavior for them and give them a "real life" lesson on how to stand up for themselves against peer pressure. Or at least try out some things yourself so you know which "techniques" are most effective when you do need to teach your kids. :)


Excellent post!


I do think kids need help in learning to deal with difficult people, whether they are bullies, or people without boundaries, or whatever. Luckily (or unluckily, perhaps) difficult people are all over the place -- neighbors, friends, sports teams, bosses, and yes, sometimes even in our families. Homeschoolers have no disadvantage in this area, as far as I can tell!

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