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Just say no article to Black Friday shopping

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This quote from the article sums up my thoughts exactly:


“What bothers me is how the entire idea of [black Friday] has changed from a few nice after-holiday sales, to a clustercrap of mobs of people camping out at wee hours of the morning, salespeople worked to the bone, and companies scrambling to one-up each other so they can get the most of the feeding frenzy. That's what it really is: a feeding frenzy.

“The sad irony of it all is that this day of upmost need and greed comes after the holiday that's meant to take the time to reflect on what we have, to be thankful for it, and to enjoy times with our families. Never mind how many retail people have to cut this holiday short in order to work ... think about the mobs of customers who actually camp out [T]hanksgiving night in order to be first in line for the toy/computer/thing that they MUST have for Christmas/gifts. They lose out on it too"


Do you think "upmost" was a typo, or do you think he doesn't know the word is actually "utmost?"


Sorry. I sort of got stuck on that. :lol:


I do feel bad for the employees who are being forced to work longer hours ON Thanksgiving instead of being with their families now that stores are deciding to start their sales at like midnight instead of the traditional 4 AM or so.


Personally, I'm so over Black Friday and will not be leaving my house that day (except to take my daughter to her local guitar lesson)!

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This quote from the article sums up my thoughts exactly:


“What bothers me is how the entire idea of [black Friday] has changed from a few nice after-holiday sales, to a clustercrap of mobs of people camping out at wee hours of the morning, salespeople worked to the bone, and companies scrambling to one-up each other so they can get the most of the feeding frenzy. That's what it really is: a feeding frenzy.

“The sad irony of it all is that this day of upmost need and greed comes after the holiday that's meant to take the time to reflect on what we have, to be thankful for it, and to enjoy times with our families. Never mind how many retail people have to cut this holiday short in order to work ... think about the mobs of customers who actually camp out [T]hanksgiving night in order to be first in line for the toy/computer/thing that they MUST have for Christmas/gifts. They lose out on it too"




My thoughts exactly!


We're going to a dog show-- while others are hunting down a great deal on some electronic gadget, we're hoping to come home with a 5-point major on our young boy! :D:D



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I've never been very much into Black Friday. When ds was little, my friend and I used to go out late in the evening on Black Friday to Target, to buy stuff for the kids.


For some reason, though, the past few years, my teenage son is convinced that we MUST go out shopping on Black Friday. The first year I gave in and took him out, do you know what we bought? Drinks at Starbucks and two holiday air fresheners for our cars from Yankee Candle! :D Last year, we did buy a Nerf gun that ds insisted was hard to find and perfect for his cousin.


We are almost never shopping for big-ticket items like electronics for Christmas, so the potential payoff of getting up early, standing in lines, etc., just isn't there. And we're not looking for popular toys that are going to be scarce closer to Christmas, either.


So my 15yo son and I will likely go out, around 9 a.m., for a few hours. I'll be shocked if we buy anything besides Starbucks drinks. But he thinks it's fun, and I don't mind. Dh will sleep in; he has NO interest.


I do most of my shopping online now, too, because our family members all live across the country.



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