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Singapore Intensive and Word Problem Books


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I am not currently using Singapore nor do I plan to in the near future. I do own all of the Intensive books and Challenging Word Problem books.


I'm trying to decide if I should keep them or get rid of them.


If my children are not learning the Singapore way are they still benificial? I am not using the number bonds or bar.


Some of the children play the Singapore computer games once in a while but that's about it.


Ethan, is using MCP Math and will soon use TT4. I'm thinking to add these in since I already own them or get rid of them:tongue_smilie:


I'm just wondering because I have heard before with regards to Singapore Textbook and workbook that if you are only using the workbook one is not really using Singapore the correct way. If that's the case is it the same with the extra workbooks?




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