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MUS geometry?

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ok, I was set on TT, but I don't think we can swing the cost right now-my husband had a gigantic pay cut and Christmas and all (we need to start Geometry next month). So would MUS be horrible for a child who is not science/math oriented? I have heard that it is much easier and doesn't include much in the way of proofs, but my ds is much more history/lit oriented and will not be going into the math/science field. Most of my IRL friends use MUS. Can someone give me permission please? ;) What would be the cons of using MUS?


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Just replied to your other TT geo post - thought I would post here too. My dd was using TT geo with my son but was just too swamped with other classes and extra-curr's - so we decided to switch her to MUS b/c she isn't as math-minded. It has been wonderful for her. I still don't know how I feel about it - it is a lot lighter than TT. However, she is learning the basics and it is fairly easy for her. So, all in all, I think it was a good choice for her this year.


If you'd like someone to give you permission - I do!


(btw - in the other post I shared that we only use the books for TT Geometry - maybe that is a lower cost option for you?)

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I think the con to using MUS Geometry is that it is very light in proofs. It is designed to prep for ACT/SAT with more formulaic geometry. If you are looking for a Geometry that is heavy in proofs and will build logic/reasoning skills, MUS is probably not it.


That said, I already have it sitting on the shelf ready with ds when he finishes Algebra. I think it is a good choice for my non-mathy kids to get what they need from Geometry.

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Ok, thanks everybody! Another question about proofs-what is the purpose in real life? Geometry is the only class I ever did poorly in, but I had a horrible teacher. So, I just have bad mojo about proofs. It might help if I knew what the purpose is? My son has completed Logic 1 and is halfway through Logic II (Memoria Press), so I'm not really worried about it for the logic aspect. Also, if proofs are really important, is there any kind of supplement to add to MUS?


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