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Hiking party?

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Ds10 will turn into ds11 later this month. He likes to hike and I was thinking of having his birthday party being a hike with a picnic at the end. Or I was thinking perhaps something with compasses where the young people find elements of our picnic! (But I don't know how to do this - give them a card that says, "Walk 13 paces due west?"! :bigear:What are your thoughts, ideas, inspirations?

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We did something like this for our son one year. My Dh and one of the fathers of a boy that attended, took a group of boys up to the Olympic Mountains (in WA) for a day hike. They took a trail that our son enjoyed. I supplied them with all the necessary trail goods (water, trail mix, camera for lots of pictures), and when they got back we had pizza.


Not many families go hiking out in the woods. This maybe one of the few experiences some of your sons friends will get in their youth. What a fun B-day party your son will have!



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This sounds like a blast! You could set it up as a letterbox hike. Here's a website if you're not familiar with letterboxing. It's similar to geocaching, but no need for a GPS. Sometimes you do need a compass, though. http://www.letterboxing.org/america.htm


Anyhow, I would set up boxes (bags?) along the way with things in them for the kids to find. Nothing too heavy though, or they might not be able to carry everything. Sounds like it will be a very memorable party. Good luck! :)

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