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GSWL for 3rd grader?


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Is this too young? We've gone thru SSL mostly, and I originally thought we'd move into LfC next, but after some of the threads on here, I'm reconsidering and want to use GSWL instead.


But is a 3rd grader too young for it? or is it gentle and slow enough? He's 8.5 yo and is doing FLL3 for grammar, just to give you an idea. He's doing fine with the grammar, not struggling.


I'm still sort of undecided about whether to stick with Latin or go with Spanish for now (using GSWS) and pick up Latin again later. My own personal preference for teaching is Spanish because I had 4 years of it and remember it somewhat. In the area where we live, it could be quite useful.


But...not sure about dropping Latin right now either. I can't do both right now...maybe in a few years I could.


Help me think this thru please!

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By Lesson 20 (or so?) your dc will need to understand the difference between a predicate nominative and a direct object. If he/she has had this in FLL 3 (or you think he or she will catch on quickly), then you'll probably be okay with GSWL. One of mine did fine with it as a third grader (we were very late getting it going that year, so we are still finishing it now as a 4th grader). My current 3rd grader has not had as much grammar and is not ready to learn grammar concepts quickly. She will need more time with them before she can apply them to Latin translation. So, I'm waiting on GSWL for her until next year.


Some other thoughts.... Laura Corin (here on the board) always suggests starting with a spoken language in the younger years and saving Latin for a little bit later. I think she makes a good argument for this (you can search for her posts). The main reason I wanted to start with Latin is because that's the only foreign language I had in high school and I knew I could teach beginning levels of it. In your case, I see a lot of good reasons to start with Spanish.... you had four years of it and it could be useful where you live. (I figure if I'm going to have to pay for outsourced foreign language courses, I might as well do it when they can earn high school credit for it, LOL).


HTH. :001_smile:

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I'm using with my 3rd grader. I reserved it at the library and received it about 2 weeks ago. We've been using it daily and LOVE it. It's easy, quick and fun for us to do together. I'm learning it along side of him! I've got it in my cart on Amazon now to buy since I know we like it!


We also use FLL3, for what it's worth.

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