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Hair color experts?

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Dd13 wants a two-tone color layer style. The underside will be one color and the top a different color. Picture us parting her hair just above the ears, horizontally all the way around her head to create top & bottom areas. Now, the main question is what colors to choose. Her natural color is a medium brown. She wants the bottom part to be a light blonde. Will it look okay to have light on the bottom and dark on the top? We can't find any pictures of that way. We only see combos where the bottom layer is darker, like black on the bottom with blonde hair on top of it.


She's choosing this particular look because she doesn't want to worry about roots, and it will be easier to grow out later. Should she make the bottom layer darker? She was also thinking about a bright copper red, which might look okay with her medium brown color.


I wanted to do this at home but I'm thinking I may need to take her to the experts. It's going to be a pretty penny, so please help me decide if this is something we can do at home. :)

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It can be done at home. The tricky part is the rinsing without letting dye get on the part that isn't currently being colored. Basically dye the hair in two separate sittings or in two stages. Before rinsing one section, be sure the other section is wet (will absorb less of the dye should some get on it).


I was going to say that I've only seen dark on the bottom, but I'm thinking that I have seen it the other way too. If it is lighter on the bottom it may not show up as well. The top will grab most of the lighting. If doing light on the bottom it will be best to go extremely light - lighter than probably first intended.


Bright reds are pretty; however, they fade really fast. Roots aren't too much of a problem to touch up. If expense is an issue, try to find a store brand (avoid Nice n Easy) that matches the hair color and touch it up at home. The bottom can be touched-up as well in the same fashion.


If red needs to be brightened (because it faded), touch up the roots. A few minutes before it is due to be rinsed, run the root color through the rest of the bottom layer of hair (if touching up the red colored bottom layer, run the new red dye through the rest of the red layer). Rinse with the roots.


I hope that makes sense.

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I wouldn't do it at home. If you mess it up and she hates the results (or even if you do it perfectly and she hates the results,) it will be All Your Fault, possibly for All Eternity. :tongue_smilie:


If a stylist does it and your dd hates it, you can be the Good, Sympathetic Mom who takes her out for lunch afterward.


Results of Scenario # 1 -- Mom becomes Public Enemy #1

Results of Scenario # 2 -- Mom is voted Best Mom Ever

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