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s/o Dyslexic Advantage - "N" resources

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So my DD really fits the "N" in the M I N D part of Dyslexic Advantage. She loves narrative. She does not fit the M, I and D quite as much.


So my question is what are some programs that would benefit someone with strengths in "N"? She loves Story of the World. What are other narrative based learning programs? I've looked into the Life of Fred for math. Is there other math programs? Is there any Grammar program you can think of? Handwriting? Spelling? Geography?


She is 7 in 2nd Grade. But I'd love to have suggestions even for older ages, so I can be planning ahead.

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So my DD really fits the "N" in the M I N D part of Dyslexic Advantage. She loves narrative. She does not fit the M, I and D quite as much.


So my question is what are some programs that would benefit someone with strengths in "N"? She loves Story of the World. What are other narrative based learning programs? I've looked into the Life of Fred for math. Is there other math programs? Is there any Grammar program you can think of? Handwriting? Spelling? Geography?


She is 7 in 2nd Grade. But I'd love to have suggestions even for older ages, so I can be planning ahead.

When you get to the times tables, http://www.amazon.com/Memorize-Minutes-Tables-Teaching-Manual/dp/0965176967 The author uses stories help students memorize multiplication facts.

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