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North Dakota- Homeschoolers?

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How is homeschooling in this state?

After the new year if my husband hasn't found a job he wants to drive up to Willston and see if he can't get a job there.

Our area is dead, dead, dead when it comes to jobs. We live in the poorest county of the state of PA. There is just nothing left in the town we live in unless you want to work at McDonalds.


I know it gets cold there. We already live in a part of PA that gets over 300 inches of snow ,and three months of the year its summer. So that doesn't scare me. I just would like to know what homeschooling is like there. I'm sure its not as restrictive as PA either.

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Well, it's COLD. Forget snow. -30 with a stiff wind would be a better description.


Yes, the job market in Williston is great. BUT, it is a rough, rough place to live. Few women, few housing options. Think wild west town.


In no way do I mean to rain on your parade, but I would NOT make plans to move my family to Williston to live without making a visit first. I doubt you could even find housing there. Lots of people live out of there cars.


Now, on the upside, you could like elsewhere, quite frugally, and have dh commute/work in Williston. It is hard work, though. Very physical.


It will still be colder than you can imagine.


ND as a state isn't awful. Lots of rural people homeschool because it is a long way from home to school. Check the HSLDA site for specific guidelines.


If you decided to move to western ND, please contact me directly and I'll see if I can hook you up with someone from the western half for more info.


God's blessings on your decision.

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Thanks for the info. Its just been very difficult. My husband has been out of work for almost 3 yrs. There is just nothing left in our area. Even then what is left hundreds of people are standing right in line with ya. My husband got his upteenth letter of " We're sorry but we've filled this position and we'll keep your resume on file for a year " letter today. He's either overqualified or not what they are looking for. Its sad and frustrating as I know this is the way the rest of the country is. He is just getting desperate for a job. WE live in a tiny 3 bedroom apartment , have one vehicle and live as frugally as we possibly can. I'm fortunate that the school my middle two attended waived the tuition for us this year. But the extra's for school ( fundraisers, school clothes etc) are starting to even pinch us.


I know its cold there for sure. Maybe like you said we could commute there or whatnot. Just looking at all our options.

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I don't know what your dh's area is, professionally, but you might look at Sioux Falls; the economy here is fairly strong, it is an easy state to HS in, and Sioux Falls is growing. Plus we have a really good Catholic homeschool group! ;)


My mother is leaving Bismarck, ND, and moving to Idaho; one of the reasons is that she was unable to find a house which would allow me to come visit with my family--everything is way overpriced, even motel rooms. She works for the Feds, so did a fair amount of traveling in ND, and agrees with ChemMommy: crazy, man-heavy, wild west atmosphere. Not very kid friendly. I would not suggest it either.:grouphug: for you all. What a hard choice to have to make.:grouphug:

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