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What reaction do you get when you tell people you homeschool?

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Early on most responses were generally positive, or politely guarded. My mom just admitted LAST WEEK that she was concerned when we first started six years ago. Bless her, she never said a negative word - she was always positive. She openly praised us for how the kids have "turned out" on her last visit here.


As for comments now, they border the comical to me. Almost always, when people find out we homeschool (especially neighbors or church members that have sort of known us) the response is, "You do? They're so normal! What do you do?".


I take those incredulous questions as GREAT compliments:) To have "normal kids"!!! (as compared to what?) It just cracks me up:)

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My favorite response though, was one I got from a neighbor-a dad-"I couldn't spend all day with my kids."


Now seriously, what was I supposed to say to that?


Well, when my sil said something similar, I said "but I like my kids!" I try to say that as often as possible. So many people are so eager to ditch the kids and go off getting "fulfilled." Sad.

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I don't generally tell people unless they specifically ask me about it. I've never had anyone attempt to tell me that it's "bad" in any way, but they probably wouldn't dare, even if that's what they'd like to do, as I'm pretty imposing, LOL. We do tend to eat lunch out a lot and sometimes if we've gotten a late start on the day I may be reading a little over lunch. More often, we are discussing something we've been reading and I guess waiters, those at tables around us, etc. listen in sometimes. I have had folks come up to us quite a few times over the years and state "you must homeschool" and go on to tell me what a wonderful service I'm doing for my children. So it's all been positive for us....

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I have always had very positive reactions when I tell people. From doctors to neighbors, and even the public school teachers and administrators we know, people agree with the choice we've made for our family.


This has been my experience as well. I don't think I have ever met with a negative response.

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I have been homeschooling for over 8 years. There are several popular responses when I tell people I homeschool.

1. "That's great, I wish I could do that!"

2. "You must have a lot of patience, I could never homeschool my kids, they would never listen to me." That one cracks me up!

3. "Do you have to have a degree to do that?"

4. "Do your kids have to take the TAKS test?"

5. A few times I have heard "Is that legal?" I always thought to myself "If it wasn't do you think I would be telling you that I homeschool."

6. "I know someone who homeschools," sounding surprised like there are only 2-3 people who do this or something.


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Son's new dentist: "He's homeschooled? (very long pause) Why?!"


Brother-in-law: "So when will you enroll him in a real school?" (asked this thrice in the span of one month)


Some other relative: "Oh, poor boy, he'll be missing all the fun of elementary school!"


Neighbor: "Look, my wife is the registrar of XYZ School, she can help you get a discount on tuition fees."


Keep them coming... :glare:

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We haven't told our families yet, but I have mentioned it to a few other people who live around us. (We're military, and don't live near the family.)


The most common SO FAR seems to be one of 'why on earth would you want to do THAT?' - This is mainly from the moms of kids who my son goes to school with now. He's in ps kindergarten.


His teacher, even, made an 'aww' sound, like she was sad that he would be home schooled next year. I took that to mean she wanted to have him in her class again b/c he is such a good student, of course, hehe.


The moms seem to think that it's either a) too much trouble or b) just weird. Most of these moms have housekeepers, nannies, and other 'help' (which is soooo hard to find, ya know, lol). They usually seem to think that you simply cannot teach a kid without being a certified teacher. It's a wonder their kids can dress themselves, I guess. :P We are so out of our element in this town, but I have to say my neighbor homeschools and she has been such a great example to me. I've always liked the 'idea' of it, but to see it in action for the past 4 years, really helped me solidify that I *can* do this. Now, I'm actually EXCITED to get started!


What a stranger thinks, though, doesn't really bother me. Plus, it gives me an opportunity to practice what I'll say when the family finds out, lol. I'm not the greatest at expressing what I believe in, no matter how firmly I believe it. I tend to not to want to rock the boat, I suppose.


My PT actually replied by curiously asking what made us decide to home school. The first thing I said was that since we are military, it would provide at least ONE thing that was constant and stable. She thought that was a great reason, and went on and on about how kids learn so much that doesn't come from a text book. Makes me want to hurt my foot again, so I can go back, lol.


I'll be taking notes on this thread. I've come thisclose to telling my mother a couple of times, but still haven't. It's going to come up soon, b/c we are moving in two weeks (local move) and they know we'll be leaving the school district we are currently attending - which I really like. They'll want to know about the 'new school' any day now, I'm sure.:D

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We get everything from people saying they couldn't homeschool to telling me I deserve a medal for having 3 small children and fostering animals on top of it...lol My favorite is when I hear, "Boy, you have your hands full". My response to this is, "Yep, but that's better than having them empty". Usually shuts them up pretty fast. :tongue_smilie:

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13 years ago, when we began.... I received looks like I was an alien, and or comments referring to... I am going to ruin my child... or why would I ever think to do that....


as time went on.... mix responses.... good and bad...


Now... people say... "good for you!"


A funny side note... When my oldest was entering Jr. High level work... and beginning youth group (he was technically 6th grade) he began to get the cold shoulder from some boys because he was home schooled... after a while, he no longer got the cold sholder... but always got the " oh ya, Shawn is home schooled" type remarks....


Not long after that... I went to our State History museum for a teacher tour and a 3 night study on how to use a book called "The horses tale" and the museum together.... well, I was the only home school mom out of about 20 people... the rest were public school teachers.


For some reason, my confidence level dropped and I became a tad overwhelmed when they were passing out a form to be reimbursed for time, gas and cost of the class.... I declined the form. *Ü* Then wouldn't ya know... they went around and began to introduce... we had to share who we were, what grade level we taught and what school district we taught in... I was the last person to go... I soon realized this must be how my son feels at youth group when kids are comenting... its awkward, and you feel a tad alone....


Big difference, when I said my name, where I lived and that I homeschooled.... in unison gasped w/ joy and all spoke at once and encouraged me! I was shocked, and yet so releived.... it ended up being a very positive experiance.... *Ü* but really sympathized with my son.... sometimes they have to deal with comments and attitudes too...


Not sure why I had to share that... but there it is... lol

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