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It's amazing how quickly they forget!

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All of the kids went to school this year. I pulled dd3 at the 9 week mark - it was completely overwhelming to her emotionally and I miss my kids! She's loving being home and is working really, really hard.


Today I decided to do some projects instead of book work. We're studying colonial America right now so I pulled out a book of colonial crafts and decided to make pomander balls. We bought the oranges, cloves and other spices and were working our little hands off. It turned out beautifully and I'm excited. She actually did a little math (how many cloves do we need if we are doing 4 sections with 20 cloves/section? How many rows will that make if we make 5 cloves in each row? etc.) , history obviously - talked about where the oranges would come from since they don't grow in New England, how would they get there - just some good discussion.


She just had a melt down because she didn't do "school" today. We have always done projects like this. I think it's the most important way to have things stick in their brain, but all she remembers is that school = bookwork.


Obviously we still have some deschooling to get done here!

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