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Aspie funny of the day..


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Today, I served turkey chili with some tortilla chips for lunch. I noticed my 8yr old Aspie daughter was trying to scoop the chili up with the back of the chip instead of the scoop side.


She was having a lot of difficulty so I said, "Sara, why don't you turn the chip over and scoop it with the scoop part?"


"I can't"..


"Why not?"


"I just can't"


She keeps trying to scoop, unsuccessfully.. So I say, "Sara, you can't scoop the chili with the back of the chip."


At this point, she is getting angry and raising her voice, thrashing in her chair, near meltdown.. The frustration of trying to scoop the chili coupled with my nagging just about pushed her over.. So she suddenly blurts out.. "I can't turn the chip over because one time you said I can't eat food upside down!! So I have to turn it backwards!!!"




Apparently, one time she was trying to eat while hanging upside down off of the couch.. I told her she could choke if she eats food upside down.. :lol::lol:


This child is extremely (EXTREMELY) literal and precise and she has a very hard time understanding what we say a lot of the time.. But sometimes you just have to laugh.. :lol:

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