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Mitten Strings for God discussion

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I read this book when my dd was about 5 or 6, and I absolutely loved it. I felt that it reflected my own journey and I liked the way the author meditated on her decisions as a parent, and made them thoughtfully and reasonably, and even reconsidered them at times. The loving, slow, calm household that she established was very much like my own, and I loved it and felt very affirmed by it.


However, DD is 15 now, and I don't love the book anymore. I reread it recently, and although I liked it, I didn't feel that blazing affirmation of it bouncing off of every page as I did 9-10 years ago.

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I read this book when my dc were much younger. I loved it and would often go back and re-read parts of it. I don't think it's applicable to us anymore. Our dc are now older. One part of the book that I really loved was about picky eaters and mealtimes. I found it very helpful.

I have to admit that I preferred this book.




I've been meaning to get the Teenager book for some time. I may order it. My problem is that lately I really and truly struggle with non-fiction books. :glare: Mind you, this author's style is so sweet, user-friendly, and simple. I may just get it. :) Thanks for this thread and reminding me about it. :D



Edited by Negin in Grenada
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