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Our Summer School


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I have come up with what I will require my 3 dc to do each week.


Every day:

Spelling, reading, journal (possibly a weather journal)


Three days a week:



Two days a week:

Read an article from paper/magazine then write a summary


If they complete all this during the week they can go to webkinz or play wii on the weekend.


I believe this is fair. Now I just have to type up a copy for each to keep track.

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The dreaded 'summer school' from my public school past sounds terrible. However, my kids can NOT go through the whole summer WITHOUT school! I'm so glad they will have a different outlook on learning!


We will be schooling too, since the kids do not like to take long breaks.


Reading, math, writing and latin (b/c we just started this one) will continue for us. We just loosen up the structure a bit.


Have fun!



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We won't be doing summer "school". Reading happens year round, but that's it for us. Our summer is short (only 2 months) because dh teaches at a public school and he starts back July 28th. Now my 5 yo may want to do school because he LOVES workbooks, but we'll only do it if he asks. Since Dad is home, we try to spend our time planning fun days here and out. We're working on a list of special days for when we get back from vacation. (Dad cooks a gourmet meal, picnics at nearby state parks, Star Wars marathon, Kids cook all day, scavenger hunt, etc.). There will be days of just stay home and relax, too.


I need the break from it, even if they don't! I guess summer was relaxing and fun for me, although I loved school, so I want my kids to have that as well.


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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We will be doing a little bit of Lang. Arts and Math, but mainly focusing on reading, reading, reading. My boys just finished K and we are just getting into chapter books (well, I'm reading chapter books to them!) and they will be exploring some BOB books as well to practice with.


I really just want them to love reading like I do. One of the twins is really close to reading on his own and the other is a few steps behind. So I'm working on finding a balance of making it fun and not pushing too hard. They were very late talkers, had that "twinspeak" language so I can tell they are close, but not quite ready. It's an exciting time though. :D


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That sounds like an easy enough schedule to keep up with, yet to keep the facts in their heads!


We'll do some schooling too, as we can. Since I'm not sure exactly how our days will go, I don't have it all scheduled out, but we WILL fit in at LEAST math 2-4 times a week. That's the one they forget the most, so it's the main one I'll focus on. But they'll be doing an hour or less on it, so that's easy enough to work with, I think!


DD will also practice piano 2-4 times a week. Her lessons go through June and start up again in late September, so that's important to keep up with too!

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