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Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide


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So an answer to an earlier thread I posted got me looking through this book again. I can not for the life of me figure it out. I think I have the third edition and I just don't see how to implement it. Does anyone have a schedule they made for it that you would be willing to share with pitiful me? Any pointers or tips on how you used this would be very appreciated! Thanks!!

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:iagree:It's down on my shelf collecting dust. I bought it at a curriculum fair last spring. It has so much potential, but I have not put the time in to figure out how to implement it.


Maybe someone else knows...:bigear:

Edited by Coffeemama
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Guest mchllglly

TUG sat on my shelf for 5 or 6 years. This year we dug it out and did the Hans Brinker section while I waited for Trail Guide to World Geography to arrive in the mail. TUG is a recommended book for TGWG. My 9th grader is combining both books plus the packet of maps from geomatters for a year-long geography class and my 5th grader is doing the mapping, the daily questions, and the fun stuff. With the maps in SOTW TUG was just too much. Now that we have completed SOTW pure geography is great.

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I am using it with my 7th, 3rd and k'er. I printed out the notebook for the 7th and 3rd grader (two different levels) and had them spiral bound. They do the questions each day. 3x per week they fill in a blank map from the Uncle Josh book that TUG uses.


We use atlases from the library to answer the questions. We try to do the occasional projects. For instance about a month ago we did paper-mache globes. I turned it into a loooong extended project and am having the older 2 paint the globe with acrylic paints- continents, oceans, countries etc. It's taking forever but they are doing careful jobs and enjoying/learning a lot.


I agree that it's not an orderly curriculum. Not really integrated like I had assumed it would be. That said- by not being truly integrated and scheduled makes it flexible.


I think the main problem is that this curriculum gives so many ideas and different ways of doing things that it gets confusing. I actually talked about it in my home school blog about a month ago http://flexiblehomeschooler.blogspot.com/2011/09/world-geography.html

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I've used TUG off and on for several years, but it is not my main geography curriculum. I've pulled various ideas from it to use with our history studies so we can tie geography into history topics. I've also used TUG w/ the Trail Guide series. It's got TONS of great ideas, and I love it. However, I think of it more as a great geography teaching/reference tool and not so much as a curriculum to follow, with weekly lessons laid out for me.

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