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Beginning of the week...

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Do me a favor.

This week, I want you to do a few things.

1. Create three goals. What is something you can do to improve yourself? It could be mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, whatever. Just something that is an attainable goal.

What is something you can do to improve the lives of the people you arrested closest to...family or close friends.

What is something you can do to help the world be a better place?

2.Do one thing in each of those three areas to move just a little closer to your goal.

3. Post about it in here to motivate yourself and others. Share only as much as you are comfortable sharing.


If this seems overwhelming, try just focusing on two or even only one of the three categories.

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OK, I'll play because I've been sort of doing this anyway.;)


Goal #1 - Every day dd, ds and I each do one 5 min. task to make an area (kitchen this week) decluttered/neater.


Goal #2 - Every week I'm trying to connect with someone outside of the family. This week will be a family that we haven't seen for about 4 months.


Goal #3 - This week I'm researching the prices for sending books to Liberia to build up the schools and libraries which were devastated during civil war.

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I'm in....


Personal goal: Set a time limit of one hour max per day of computer time. (This will really hurt... truly... but, needs to happen...) And, even though it's more than one thing, I will try to get out and do a brisk walk each day... even if it's a short walk.


Family goal: Set up a weekly date night with dh... let him pick the day... but give him my attention and expect the same in return. (We both have been focused on our individual hobbies and haven't taken time for each other in weeks) I will also plan out a fun weekend with my kids who will come for a couple of days...


World goal: I have no idea.

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