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What level of FLL or other grammar program would you recommend for a couple of kids who already have a grasps on the basics?


We have covered the basics without a curriculum. My kids know:


- basic parts of speech (verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and proper nouns)

- correct verb conjugation/past, present, future tense

- the rules for correctly pluralizing words, including many exceptions

- subjects and predicates (and can quickly identify which is missing if they neglect to respond in a complete sentence during WWE.)

- consistent proper capitalization and basic punctuation


They are young though, age 6 and 9. After they finish their penmanship curriculum (probably in a month) I'd like to replace that with formal grammar. I don't mind a program that reviews some or even all the above for the purpose of placing it in systematic context, but I don't want a program that spirals through that content ad nauseum. They really do already "get it". I read that FLL1 and maybe 2 are pretty repetitive?

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They are both pretty repetitive, we are doing FFL 2 now (with 7 and 5 year old). You could always do them as review and to fill in any gaps and just skip over the repetitive lessons if they know that information. FLL 3 has a workbook so I am assuming it has a decent amount of handwriting involved.

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FLL 3 has a workbook so I am assuming it has a decent amount of handwriting involved.


The handwriting involved is still fairly small. While there may be 3-4 pages used, much of the page is the list of words or sentences being read, not writing anything. She also has the diagrams drawn for the child, so they just fill that in. Several lessons have 4 sentences to diagram, but they're 3 or 4 word sentences. I sometimes have my son only diagram 2 sentences (diagramming comes easily to him), but it really isn't that much writing even if they do all 4 sentences. My son gets fatigued easily when writing, and he hasn't had a problem with FLL3. There was ONE review lesson I had to split over 2 days because it was too much, but everything else has been easy to get done without hurting his hand. :)

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I'm also using FLL3 and think it would work well for you. I skipped FLL2 because of the amount of review and repetition and because it was still mostly oral. I liked that level 3 has student pages and introduces diagramming. I felt like dd wouldn't mind the review if we were learning something new at the same time. So far it's going well and hasn't been too difficult. My dd is working on about a 3rd grade level.

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