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What grammar curriculum do you like best?


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We're using KISS Grammar. Nikolai told me yesterday that grammar is his second favorite subject! (History is his favorite.) We really enjoy this program. I just wish the website was easier to navigate so it didn't scare off so many potential users.


Honestly, I've looked at the website a few times and just....don't get it or don't find it appealing or something so I've never taken the plunge.

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Honestly, I've looked at the website a few times and just....don't get it or don't find it appealing or something so I've never taken the plunge.

I did the same thing quite a few times. Finally, after reading another hive member's posts about it I took the plunge and downloaded the second grade workbook for my son. I'm so glad that I did! Of course, I have no idea what I'll need to print for next year, but now I know how wonderful it is so I'll make it a priority to find out.

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We're using KISS Grammar. Nikolai told me yesterday that grammar is his second favorite subject! (History is his favorite.) We really enjoy this program. I just wish the website was easier to navigate so it didn't scare off so many potential users.


Another vote for KISS. I love how it teaches Grammar in context and how much I am learning too!

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