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My almost 8yrs old daughter....sentence issues


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she doesnt know what a sentence is....her writing consists of and and and, then then then and no punctuation or capital letters.


Do you think the Handwriting Without Tears Sentence School would be too babyish for her?


She doesn;t even speak in full sentences most of the time. She answers in just phrases. Writing with Ease is making her answer in full sentences but it is painful for her.


In her narrations, definitely not in full sentences and not normal English grammar. Sounds almost like yoda talk.

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I have been looking at the Montessori method. I think that Farm Grammar set might get her attention. naming the nouns and then adding the articles then the adjectives and she makes up her own sentences maybe.

I don;t know. Their has to be something out there.

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I subscribe to HSLDA's struggling learner newsletter and this month it was all about writing with a struggling learner. I looked on their site and it hasn't been posted there in the archives yet, but if you subscribe (don't need to be a member, I am not) you may be able to get it yet this month. They gave lots of recommendations for curriculum resources as well as general advice on writing. I would link it here but I think I accidentally deleted it after copying it:( Good luck!

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Sounds almost like yoda talk.


I am sorry- this made me :lol: My 1st grader is the SAME way!!!




Anyways- check this out. I keep thinking about getting this for ds but I think I am going to give him another year before I do. This series goes up to grade

4 so you can follow through with any or all of the books you need until you feel she is good and solid in this. I am really tempted to buy all 4 books because right when I decide I want something like this its usually out of print :glare:




Here is grade 2


Here is grade 3


Here is grade 4 so you can see the progression to help decide if you think this will be beneficial :)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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she doesnt know what a sentence is....her writing consists of and and and, then then then and no punctuation or capital letters.


Do you think the Handwriting Without Tears Sentence School would be too babyish for her?


She doesn;t even speak in full sentences most of the time. She answers in just phrases. Writing with Ease is making her answer in full sentences but it is painful for her.


In her narrations, definitely not in full sentences and not normal English grammar. Sounds almost like yoda talk.

Check out the Landmark School's teacher manual "From Talking to Writing" and the sentence framework work book. It starts with very simple concepts for sentences and builds from there.


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My daughter who will be 8yrs old has been doing FLL 1 for two years now and still doesn't understand what a noun is...or verb or adjective. It is like she can't remember it. She gets all the words mixed up and the labels.


Do you think the Landmark curriculum might be too hard for her?

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My daughter who will be 8yrs old has been doing FLL 1 for two years now and still doesn't understand what a noun is...or verb or adjective. It is like she can't remember it. She gets all the words mixed up and the labels.


Do you think the Landmark curriculum might be too hard for her?

No. Landmark starts slow. It does not assume that the student knows those grammar concept. When the student starts writing he starts with constructing basic sentences that contain just an article, noun, verb--but Landmark doesn't assume that the students know what those are until the teacher has gone over it with them. The teacher manual doesn't tell you what exactly to say but instead offers ideas on how to teach these language concepts to students who have problems with language language concepts. Basically, it goes very slowly with lots of repetition while connecting the information with other learning. The teacher manual shows some examples but it leaves the specifics of lesson planning up to teachers. Teachers bring these language concepts to students in the context of other materials that they are also studying. Grammar is not taught in isolation but connected with other learning.


We haven't gotten very far into the program, but the writing my ds produces is far less painful and discouraging to read. The student either gets the basic concept of a sentence or he doesn't--and they don't move on to more complicated sentences with phrases until they have a basic understanding of what makes a group of words into a sentence.


We also use Barton Reading and Spelling and that program has some grammar built into it. The earlier levels of Barton continually reinforces that a sentence starts with a capital, ends with punctuation and contains a subject phrase and a predicate phrase. Only, since it was designed to teach people with dyslexia, it uses terms that don't sound so lofty and "academic" so they're less likely to confuse someone who has difficulties with language.


Whatever program you decide to use, go slowly!--and tie teaching this into information she already knows about real life. Basically, a sentence needs a capital, a subject (usually a noun), a predicate and closing punction. (. !?) An article (a, an, the) often comes before the subject. Start with that. Don't bog her down with lots of adjectives, adverbs, prepostions, past participles, etc. etc. until she's demonstrated that she understands basic nouns and verbs.

Edited by merry gardens
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Maybe Easy Grammar? I use it with my 8 year old and we love it. It's real simple---no distracting illustrations. It repeats the lesson over and over and the practices are very short. There's a lot of cumulative review as well. I'd start with the 2nd grade book.


Also Schoolhouse Rock. My son learned a lot of his grammar when he was younger from those classic songs.


You could also look at Writing Strands 1---it's a little booklet full of oral strategies and games to play.

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