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Pure sweetness! 3.5 yo boy wanted to "nurse" his 22 month old brother

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My toddler took a tumble and was sobbing so I reflexively laid him down on the rug and let him nurse a bit. My 3.5 year old son pulled up his shirt and laid down on his brother's other side. Here is how the conversation went:



"Mama, I'm nursing him too."

"That is very thoughtful, but only Mommy can nurse."

"But I can put the milk in my body in his body."

"No, sweetie, only Mommy has milk."

"But I have a nipple!"

"Yes, but boys do not make milk. Only mommies."

Gives brother a kiss on the head and says, "OK. Sorry, buddy."



My heart broke, melted and shone all at once.

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