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Extra help with FLL3 concepts?


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I'm wondering if anyone has a good source for some extra independent help with concepts in FLL 3. My son is doing well with it, but it seems like he needs more review of stuff. For instance when we do the lesson on predicate nominatives, he does fine but if I ask him 2 days later what that is he looks at me like I have 5 heads.

I don't mind some sort of work-booky type thing. Just simple exercises like "circle the adverb, underline the adj." etc.

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We are just at the end of FLL 3 lessons, although I did not integrate the last extra 30 lessons in the back of the book. So, I plan to do the 30 extra lessons at the end and I don't want my ds to forget what he has learned. I just received Growing with Grammar in the mail yesterday. I am hoping I won't regret this decision!

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I think understanding predicate nominatives at the time and then forgetting is pretty typical. I don't know if you need more practice. Keeping going, it WILL be reviewed, even in FLL 4.

The other day I was doing grammar with my older elementary students and my seventh grader turned around and said--NOW I know what that means! I think we are building concepts into their understanding that take some time and maturity to really get.

Besides maturity, Latin grammar is what really helped my seventh grader to get it.

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thanks for the scott foresman tips! I was hoping to find something on edhelper since I bought the membership, but didn't really find anything. I suppose I do need to trust that this is still an early learning gentle intro to concepts they will master later, but it seems like the only thing he's retaining are the poems. It's not the fault of the program, I don't think. We both love it, I just feel like on the off days that we don't do a lesson (we generally do 2-3 per week) he could use some extra practice that he could do on his own.

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