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So, Keep Your Cat In!

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We have a new neighbour. No, its not the wanna be rock star who can't carry a tune in a bucket that moved, but the other one.




New neighbour has two cats. At least one of them is allowed out to roam. Personally, I don't care if they're in or out, except...


We have a large apple tree. And a large dog.


Her cat came over and was on the trunk of the tree. Our dog came out, and surprise, surprise, went to investigate the invader. Cassie wasn't barking, growling, nada...she was curious, b/c we also have a cat, so she's fine with them, but wanted to see who was in our yard.


Neighbour cat hissed, spit, tried to claw the dog, who (not the brightest animal in existance) stared at it, confused. Cat then launched itself to the very tip of the tree, and sat there, yowling.


Neighbour lady sees this, starts having hysterics.


First of all, cat was in our yard. Sorry, but I don't survey my yard for other animals before leaving the house or letting the dog out (its fully fenced). Second, the darn cat will come down when its ready. I mean, when's the last time you saw a cat skeleton stranded in the branches of a tree?


If you don't want your cat up a tree, perhaps you should keep your cat in the house. Seriously.

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I agree. When our kids were younger (10 & 13) we left them alone in the evening for a couple of hours. We came home to a fire truck w/ flashing lights in front of our house, and neighbors and firefighters in our yard. The kids were terrified and didn't know what to do - we had told them never to open the door if we aren't there. All because a cat was on a utility pole in our backyard.


The firefighters left without doing anything - they said the utility company would have to take care of it.


The cat-owning neighbor and her boyfriend stayed parked in his car in front of our house all night, where they could keep an eye on the utility pole. It was creepy and neither my dh nor I slept well.


The next morning we were out of the house, and while we were gone the utility company came & got the cat down.


All that to say, I hope your neighbor's cat goes home soon. :D

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