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Can you explain Pinterest to me, please?

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You have to have an 'invite' to sign up. And I believe you can do it without connecting to FB or Twitter.


From what I can gather, it's a social bookmarking site. But instead of saving just the link, you 'pin' a picture to your 'board'. So it's very visual. Makes it really easy to see things.


You can follow people (and they can follow you) and that way you can see what other people are pinning. And you can organize your pins into different boards and only follow certain boards from people - so if you are interested in my homeschool pins (and not my craft or home decorating or recipes) then you can follow just those.


You can also leave comments & 'like' pins of the people you follow.


I hope that makes sense. I'm still pretty new to it myself - but I've found some pretty cool ideas so far! It seems to be very common among moms. My tech-savvy, geeky husband had no clue what it was!

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I'm sure there is a thread here somewhere about it, but nothing specific really came up when I searched.


If I wanted to sign up, I would need to do it via fb or twitter...and give them full access to that account?


I don't think you have to do it that way. I think you can do a normal register with an email. But they offer the option


PS: PM me if you need an invite.

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Okay, I was able to do it, then disconnect the account association. Weird. But now it says I'm "following" a bunch of people - how do you "unfollow" people (I have no idea who those people are).


It did the same thing to me. I have no idea who those people are. But if you click on the profiles, you can 'unfollow' them. :)

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